Here's a sneak peek at this incredible couple's wedding day! It was so much fun to be a part of it and see the love you guys share! Congrats guys and God Bless!
What an easy kid to photography! Love, love, love his spiky hair! And boy does this kid carry an adorable little elvis lip! Who does that at 1 year old!?!
Here's a little cutie! He sure tried to "soil" my backdrops, but mom was too quick for him!
How beautiful is this belly?! Absolutely love photographing pregnancy bellies...they always look great! And the mom-to-be gets some great pics that make her look (and remember) how stunning she looks during pregnancy...even if they don't feel like it!
What fun it was to photograph these two! You guys are a great couple, and willing to try anything I suggested...thanks! PS- I used to babysit does that make me feel old! :)
The newest addition to this family arrived on feb 16th! He is such a cutie! He did not appreciate my photographic talents and was much more content in his mother's warm arms...we did however, manage to get a few great pics of him!